You can invest in line with your financial goals, diversify your portfolio and benefit from the experience of our expert portfolio managers with the various fund options we provide. All of our fund options are prepared in accordance with Islamic banking principles.
What is an Investment Fund?

It is the name assigned to an asset with no legal existence, which is established by portfolio management companies pursuant to bylaws to manage a portfolio or portfolios consisting of the assets and transactions specified in the fund prospectus, on behalf of the depositors, in accordance with the principles of faith-based ownership, with the money or other assets collected from the depositors in return for participation shares pursuant to the provisions of the Law.
Advantages of Investment Funds

Professional Management: The relevant funds are managed by fund managers who are experts in their fields and who constantly follow the markets. So you don't have to spend extra time managing your portfolio.
Risk Allocation: Fund managers distribute the pooled investments in a way that benefits shareholders. It seeks to achieve maximization of return while minimizing risk by allocating it to various investment instruments.
Easy Cash Out: These funds are one of the easiest ways to invest existing savings. Simply submit a request for the participation share you wish to purchase and wait for the request to be approved.
Liquidity: Relevant funds come in two different types in terms of flexibility and liquidity advantages. One of these fund types is open-ended funds, which do not have a limit on the number of stocks to be traded. Open-ended funds facilitate the liquidation of highly liquid investments. Closed-end funds have lower liquidity than open-end funds. Closed-end funds stand out with their ability to offer flexibility to investors. This type of fund allows investors to invest on the basis of real-time prices.
Tax (Withholding) Advantage: 0% withholding tax will be applied to earnings from investment funds excluding variable, mixed, Sukuk, foreign borrowing, foreign, hedge funds and investment funds with foreign currency in their titles (until 31.12.2023). Our legal clients are not subject to withholding tax on investment funds.
Corporate Tax Advantage: Pursuant to the amendment made in the Corporate Tax Law, the earnings obtained from investment fund participation shares that "do not hold foreign currency denominated assets and gold and other precious metals and other capital market instruments based on them in their portfolios" are exempt from Corporate Tax.