Hayat Finans Mobile

Türkiye's First Digital Bank

Product and Service Fees

Personal Commercial
Product and Service Fees


Money TransfersCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Wire TransferTL---Free of charge.7.08.2023
Electronic Fund TransferTL---Free of charge.7.08.2023
Instant TransferTL---Free of charge.21.12.2023
International Fund Transfer (Swift)USD 0,10%10350BITT included. If the customer bears the correspondent bank fee, the fee will be collected and paid to the agreed-upon correspondent bank, with the amount determined by the correspondent bank in question.9.10.2023
Precious Metal TransferTL 2080BSMV is not included. It is the amount paid to third parties and organizations. It varies depending on the transaction amount.02.01.2024

Allocation FeeCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Personal FinanceTL-Free of charge.7.08.2023
Movable and Immovable Pledge FeeCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Personal FinanceTL -Free of charge.7.08.2023

ATMs of Contracted BanksCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Balance Inquiry - DomesticTL---Free of charge.7.08.2023
Withdrawal - DomesticTL---Free of charge.7.08.2023
Deposit - DomesticTL---Free of charge.7.08.2023
Transactions from Another Bank's ATMCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Balance Inquiry - DomesticTL-0,24-BSMV is excluded.17.10.2023
Withdrawal - DomesticTL-1% + 0,91-BSMV is excluded.17.10.2023
Deposit - DomesticTL-1% + 0,91-BSMV is excluded.17.10.2023

Archive - ResearchCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Statement of AccountTL---Free of charge.17.10.2023


Financing Allocation and Financing Disbursement FeeCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Financing Allocation Fee ---Free of charge.17.10.2023
Finance Disbursement FeeTL1,10%---17.10.2023
Reputation/Letter of Intent/Reference Letter Issuance FeeTL3,00%1.200--17.10.2023
Appraisal, Collateral Provision, Change and Cancellation FeesCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Appraisal FeeTL---Amount Paid to 3rd Person.17.10.2023
Mortgage Facility Fee (Mortgage Release Fee)TL---Amount Paid to 3rd Person.17.10.2023
Vehicle Pledge Fee (Vehicle Pledge Removal Fee)TL---Amount Paid to 3rd Person.17.10.2023
Financing Risk ProcessCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Restructuring, Restatement / Payment Plan and Profit Share Change FeeTL5,00%--Amount Paid to 3rd Person. BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Commitment / Non-Commitment Fee TL5,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Non-Cash Financing - Term FeeTL4,00%2.000-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Non-Cash Financing - Guarantorship FeeUSD5,00%300-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Financing Interim/Partial Payment & Early Closing
Cash Financing Interim/Partial PaymentCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Turkish Lira FinancingTL10,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Foreign Exchange or Foreign Exchange Indexed FinancingYP10,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Cash Financing Early Closing - Remaining Maturity Up to 24 MonthsCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Turkish Lira FinancingTL2,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Foreign Exchange or Foreign Exchange Indexed FinancingYP3,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Cash Financing Early Closing - Remaining Maturity Longer than 24 MonthsCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Turkish Lira FinancingTL2,00%--1% will be charged for each year after 24 months. BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Foreign Exchange or Foreign Exchange Indexed FinancingYP3,00%--1% will be charged for each year after 24 months. BITT is excluded.17.10.2023

Import TransactionsCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Letter of Credit Opening FeeUSD4,00%100,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Reserve/Dispute FeeUSD-150,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Aval/Acceptance FeeUSD4,00%200,00-BITT  is excluded.17.10.2023
Maturity/Amount Change FeeUSD4,00%100,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Policy Acceptance FeeUSD2,00%150,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Export TransactionsCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Notice FeeUSD2,00%80,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Confirmation FeeUSD4,00%210,00-BITT  is excluded.17.10.2023
Maturity/Amount Change FeeUSD4,00%210,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Deferred Payment FeeUSD3,00%100,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Collection FeeUSD0,50%125,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Import/Export Joint TransactionsCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Document Review FeeUSD2,00%75,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Amendment FeeUSD-75,00-BITT  is excluded.17.10.2023
Transaction FeeUSD-50,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Payment FeeUSD0,60%50,00-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023

Supplier Financing and DDS FeeCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
DDS FeeTL2,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Supplier Financing FeeTL2,00%--BITT  is excluded.17.10.2023
Supplier Financing and DDS Term FeeCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
DDS Term FeeTL5,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Supplier Financing Term FeeTL5,00%--BITT is excluded.17.10.2023

Money TransfersCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Electronic Fund Transfer FeeTL---Free of charge.17.10.2023
Wire TransferTL---Free of charge.17.10.2023
Instant TransferTL---Free of charge.21.12.2023
International Fund Transfer Fee and Messaging FeeUSD0,15%10350BITT is excluded. In cases where the customer bears the correspondent bank expense, the fee to be collected is paid to the contracted correspondent bank and the fee in question is determined by the correspondent bank.17.10.2023

Fees for Transactions from Another Bank's ATMCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Balance Inquiry - DomesticTL-0,24-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Withdrawal - DomesticTL-1% + 0,91-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
Deposit - DomesticTL-1% + 0,91-BITT is excluded.17.10.2023
For ATMs of Contracted BanksCurrency Type%Minimum AmountMaximum AmountExplanationDate of Update
Balance Inquiry - DomesticTL---Free of charge.17.10.2023
Withdrawal - DomesticTL---Free of charge.17.10.2023
Deposit - DomesticTL---Free of charge.17.10.2023
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