Hayat Finans Mobile

Türkiye's First Digital Bank

Investment and Treasury

We add value to your business and company's savings with the various investment products offered by Hayat Finans to meet your investment needs.

Participation Account

Do not keep your savings in a money-box! Participation Account allows you to add value to your savings with the income shared with a profit-loss partnership at the end of the maturity. 

TEFAS Investment Funds

As Hayat Finans, we offer investors the opportunity to invest in a variety of TEFAS  investment funds. 

Buying and Selling of Foreign Currency and Precious Metals

You can invest your savings through foreign exchange and precious metal trading transactions.

Stock Transactions (Coming Soon!)

Stocks are financial instruments that represent ownership interests in a company. 

Lease Certificate (Sukuk) (Coming Soon!)

Lease certificates (Sukuk), designed in line with the principles of Islamic finance, are financial instruments that offer investors the opportunity to generate regular income based on rental income from commercial real estate. 

It's The Perfect Time
to Join Hayat!

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