What is E-Guarantee Letter?
Electronic Guarantee Letter Platform (ETMP), offers numerous conveniences to its members. Our ETMP member customers can use the electronic letter of guarantee that includes a commitment for transactions for which the duration and conditions are determined such as execution of a work, payment of debt, or delivery of goods, within the limits in our bank. They can easily perform all relevant transactions through Hayat Finans Online Banking.
Features of E-Guarantee Letter
- You can issue the e-guarantee letter for a period of time or indefinitely in TL or foreign currency.
- Depending on the nature of your business, you can determine the type of guarantee letter as advance payment, definitive, special-texted, or temporary.
- You can prepare guarantee letters related to various matters such as procurement, commitment, customs, dealership, court, or tax office procedures.
Advantages of E-Guarantee Letter
- You can secure the commercial relationship between you and your counterparties.
- You can continue your business operations without the need for capital utilization.
- You can meet your dealers' working capital needs through our bank by using a purchase order letter.
- You can benefit from advance letters for the pre-financing of your major investment projects.